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General Gynecology Clinic.

Whether you have a specific medical problem, period related problems heavy menstrual bleeding, fibroids, endometriosis, pelvic floor disorders or any other gynecological problem)

Or maybe you have symptoms that are bothering you, (itching, pelvic pain, smelly discharge, excessive hair growth, recent weight gain, to name a few!)

We for sure are the right center for you

PCOS Clinic
Do you have PCOS?
Do think you have PCOS?
Do you want to know if you have PCOS?
Are you curious about PCOS and would like to know more?

We for sure are the right center for you

Early Detection Clinic (cancer)

you worry about getting caner?
you have a family member with cancer?
you want to get regular screening for common cancers?

We for sure are the right center for you

Lovely Teenagers Clinic

Do you have a daughter who just hit puberty and want some advice on what needs to be done and when?

We for sure are the right center for you

Golden Age Menopause Clinic

Are you worried about approaching menopause?
Are you almost there?
Do you worry about how to handle menopause gracefully?
Are you currently in menopause and like some guidance and support to how best manage the golden phase in your going through?

or maybe you just want to make sure you’re ok,

We for sure are the right center for you

Fertility Clinic

The bless of having children is like no other.

Hopefully we can be part of your journey to parenthood

Antenatal Clinic

Enjoy becoming a family with us
moms and dads are welcome

Contraception Clinic

Spacing allows for better caring

Engaged couple’s clinic

Congratulations on your engagement! ready to answer all your questions regarding the new life

Wellness Clinic

Do you want to have an annual check-up, and don’t know where to start or what work up needs to be done and how often?

We for sure are the right center for you

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